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Title: Um diálogo entre o curta-metragem "Abuela Grillo" e as questões ambientais, éticas, políticas, sociais e culturais
Keywords: Cinema
Cultura indígena
Recursos naturais
Sistema econômico
Luta popular
Indigenous culture
Natural resources
Economic system
Popular struggle
Issue Date: Oct-2018
Publisher: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) Laboratório de Estudos Avançados em Jornalismo (Labjor)
Citation: LOURENÇO, C. O.; MONTEIRO, J. A.; NASCIMENTO JUNIOR, A. F. Um diálogo entre o curta-metragem "Abuela Grillo" e as questões ambientais, éticas, políticas, sociais e culturais. Revista do Edicc, Campinas, v. 5, n. 5, p. 65-75, out. 2018. Trabalho apresentado no 5º Encontro de Divulgação de Ciência e Cultura, 2018, [Campinas, SP].
Abstract: The purpose of this work is to identify the dialogue of the short film "Abuela Grillo" (CHAPON, 2009) with environmental, social, ethical and cultural issues immersed in the problem that is caused by privatization. The short film was produced in Denmark by eight Bolivian animators and released in 2009, under the direction of Denis Chapon. It is based on an indigenous legend, told by the Ayoreo people of Bolivia, who nowadays live in settled communities, since many have lost their properties to large companies, and are thus exploited on cattle ranches that have taken possession of much of their territory. In this way, the work is justified by allowing the dissemination of aspects that permeate environmental issues and their relationship with society through this short film. For the analysis of this cinematographic language we focus on the qualitative research methodology (GODOY, 1995), the content analysis (OLIVEIRA, 2008) and the contents categorization (MINAYO, 2009) contained in the short film. After this process of analysis it was possible to highlight four categories: "Valorization of indigenous culture", "Natural resource", "Economy" and "Popular struggle". From the analysis carried out, it was possible to identify that the short dialogues with the environmental, ethical, political, social and cultural issues that permeate privatization. In this sense, it was possible to identify the importance of the valorization of the indigenous culture, because through its recognition we can visualize a new way of experience with the world. In addition, it was noticed that the indigenous population undergoes a social problematic that is fruit of the commodification of a natural resource. Thus, it is necessary to consider these issues that permeate the environment so that the individual can recognize himself as a fundamental part in the composition of the environment in which he is inserted.
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