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Title: UBUNTU: acolhimento ancestral e inquietações feministas negras à educação de bebês e crianças pequenas em creches e pré-escolas
Keywords: Feminismo negro
Relações raciais
Relações de gênero
Educação infantil
Black feminism
Racial and gender relations
Early childhood education
Issue Date: Apr-2018
Publisher: Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro
Citation: PEREIRA, A. O.; SANTIAGO, F.; SOUZA, E. G. L. UBUNTU: acolhimento ancestral e inquietações feministas negras à educação de bebês e crianças pequenas em creches e pré-escolas. Teias, Rio de Janeiro, v. 19, n. 53, p. 314-329, abr./jun. 2018.
Abstract: Black feminism in Brazil has been gaining space both in academic and social domains, promoting debates, reinterpretation and self-criticism of setbacks in the field of social rights, at the same time as it seeks to disarm the Eurocentric structures of representation of black people, decolonizing the pejorative iconography about its ancestry historically marked by a racist, heteropatriarchal, misogynist and capitalist society. Thus, this article aims to discuss the childhoods and the racial and gender relations in the area of early childhood education, assuming that this is a place of listening, of different languages, as well as recognition of knowledge produced beyond coloniality. It is a research carried out at the intersection of African and AfroBrazilian contributions, black-feminist thinking and the ubuntu perspective whose focus is the collective, seeking to broaden our perceptions in regard of the sorority and the education of infants and young children, aiming the construction of a decolonizing childhood pedagogy.
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