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Title: Mobilização de reservas e crescimento inicial da planta de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum sp.) durante a propagação vegetativa
Authors: Alves, José Donizeti
Gomide, Marcio Bastos
Oliveira, Luiz Edson Mota de
Keywords: Cana-de-açúcar
Fisiologia vegetal
Propagação vegetativa
Issue Date: 24-Apr-2019
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: MELO, G. A. Mobilização de reservas e crescimento inicial da planta de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum sp.) durante a propagação vegetativa. 2019. 49 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fisiologia Vegetal)-Escola Superior de Agricultura de Lavras, Lavras, 1994.
Abstract: An experiment was carried out using sugar cane cuttings with one or two shoots from tree distinct areas of the stalk, the tip, the middle and the base, to caracterize reserve mobilization and it relation with plant growth. The cuttings were germinated in washed sand, and samples were taken every sevem days during a period of 42 days. Dry material and the soluble protein levels, free aminoacids, total soluble sugars, saccharose an reduced sugars were assessed in every 2,5 cm long portions of each of the cutting. Dry material of the formed plant was assessed too. Linear decreases in the dry material weight of the cuttings were observed in this period. The reduction was greater in cuttings with two shoots and in cuttings from the tip of the stalk. Reserves reduction was greater in the portions beside shoots. The plant growth were not affected by the quantity of the cutting reserves.
Appears in Collections:Agronomia/Fisiologia Vegetal - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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