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Title: Aditivos tecnológicos em processo e na digestibilidade de alimentos secos extrusados para cães
Other Titles: Technological additives in process and digestibiity of dry extruded food for dogs
Authors: Bertechini, Antônio Gilberto
Sá-Fortes, Cristina Maria Lima
Saad, Flávia Maria de Oliveira Borges
Teixeira, Alexandre de Oliveira
Rocha, Gabriel Cipriano
Keywords: Emulsificantes
Alimentos - Textura
Pet food
Issue Date: 2-May-2019
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: ROCHA JUNIOR, C. M. da. Aditivos tecnológicos em processo e na digestibilidade de alimentos secos extrusados para cães. 2019. 94 p. Tese (Doutorado em Zootecnia) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2019.
Abstract: The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effects of emulsifier additives on the process and texture characteristics of kibbles in dry foods extruded in pet food and to evaluate the apparent digestibility of nutrients and apparent metabolizable energy in dry foods for adult dogs. Also to evaluate the use of antioxidants on the oxidative stability of poultry viscera oil used in the pet food industry. The experiments were divided into 2 articles, below. At the first article, an economical food was used, suitable for adult dogs of all races. The emulsifier (EMU), based on glyceryl polyethylene glycol ricinoleate, was added “on top”, forming 5 treatments: ((Control (CON), (0.3 EMU; CON + 0.3 g/kg EMU), (0.6 EMU; CON + 0.06 g/kg EMU), (0.9 EMU; CON + 0.9 g/kg EMU), (1.2 EMU; CON + 1.2 g/kg EMU)). Canonical functions 1 and 2 were significant (P <0.05). The amount of variance explained among the canonical statistical variables independent and dependent on function 1 (79.49%) was significant for the groups of characteristics analyzed. Dietary emulsifier concentrations did not influence the CTTAD of nutrients. However, the ME was higher for the 0.3 EMU and 0.6 EMU compared to the 0.9 EMU. The addition of the emulsifier changed the production parameters (P <0.05). There was significative cubic effect (P <0.0001) of concentration of emulsifier on engine amperage, active power and energy consumption. These results indicate that the use of emulsifier can be used as a technological additive in dry extruded foods for adult dogs.; At the second article, two commercial emulsifiers (EMU), added on top, were used in an extruded dry food, suitable for adult dogs, forming 3 treatments ((CON; Control), (EMUA; CON + 0,06% emulsifier A), (EMUB; CON + 0,06% emulsifier B)). The oxidative stability of poultry viscera oil with 5 synthetic and 2 natural commercial antioxidants ((Control (CON); CON + (BHT+BHA+ETO95); CON+ (BHT+BHA); CON+ (BHA+PG+AC); CON + (BHT+BHA+ETO70); CON + BHA; CON + (ASC+ rosemary); CON + (ASC+ tocopherols)) at 3 temperatures (90 °C, 110 °C and 130 °C) was evaluated and the lipid profile analysis was performed at 130 °C. It was observed that canonical function 1 was significant (P<0.05). It was noticed that there was control in the process, due to the grouping of the treatments. The use of emulsifiers influenced (P <0.05) the hardness characteristic of the kibbles, with lower resistance in EMUA. EMUB obtained values of amperage, power and energy consumption, lower than the other treatments (P <0.05). The antioxidants used to form the treatments CON + (BHT+BHA+ETO95), CON+ (BHA+PG+AC) and CON + BHA, preserved more essential fatty acids (linolenic and linoleic). Natural antioxidants had higher oxidation, with higher proportions of saturated fatty acids and the worse ω6: ω3 ratios. It is concluded that EMUB was the best contributor to texture characteristics and to the extrusion process and it is indicated the synthetic antioxidants used in CON + (BHT+BHA+ETO95), CON+ (BHA+PG+AC) and CON + BHA which provided greater protection against oxidation and preserved more the essential fatty acids. Natural antioxidants in the present study did not provide satisfactory protection.
Appears in Collections:Zootecnia - Doutorado (Teses)

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