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Title: A relação intrínseca entre a psicologia histórico-cultural e a epistemologia marxiana
Other Titles: The intrinsic relation between historical-cultural psychology and the marxian epistemology
La relación intrínseca entre la psicología histórico-cultural y la epistemología marxiana
Keywords: Vygotsky
Lev Semenovich
Materialismo dialético
Dialectical materialism
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Citation: BULHÕES, L. F. S. S.; MARTINS, L. M. A relação intrínseca entre a psicologia histórico-cultural e a epistemologia marxiana. Psicologia em Estudo, Maringá, v. 23, p. 47-58, 2018.
Abstract: Considering the ideological assumptions that intend to mask the marxist epistemological foundations of historical-cultural psychology, this article aims to contribute to evidence the way in which historical and dialectical materialism has built the essential presuppositions of this psychological theory. In order to do so, the proposition was established that the three methodological pillars that underpin marxian criticism of bourgeois society – namely, the minimum unit of analysis, the categorical historicization and the contradictory essence of the studied phenomenon – support, in the same way, the historical analysis of the human psyche as a cross-functional system. In this way, it was tried to demonstrate that the marxian epistemological architectonic served as support for the construction of a legitimately marxist psycholog y that surpassed the atomistic limits of the formal bourgeois logic. It was concluded that the methodological specificity of historical-cultural psychology seized the development of psychological processes in the movement of their essential antagonistic tendencies – represented by the contradictory nucleus that contrasts and articulates the elementary and higher functional processes – reaching an understanding of historical concreteness which conforms to human subjectivity.
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