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Title: Nutrição mineral na micropropagação de bananeira
Authors: Carvalho, Janice Guedes de
Pasqual, Moacir
Pio, Leila Aparecida Salles
Pinho, Paulo Jorge de
Keywords: Musa spp.
Issue Date: 4-Sep-2014
Citation: PAULA, Y. C. M. Nutrição mineral na micropropagação de bananeira. 2010. 57 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitotecnia)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2010.
Abstract: The work objective was to evaluate the growth and nutrient content in banana plants under in vitro conditions in different concentrations of potassium and magnesium and to verify the growth of banana plants varieties under different culture media and nutritional deficiency. Were used as explants source, pre-established banana plants cultivars in vitro conditions, from Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits. Relationships established between potassium and magnesium were represented by fifteen treatments in a factorial scheme 5 K:Mg (22:1, 20:3, 15:8, 10:13 and 5:18) x 3 (cultivars). It was concluded that the Caipira, Tropical and Japira cultivars showed better results in 20:3 concentration, worse performance was observed at concentration 5:18 and potassium uptake by plants is inversely proportional to the magnesium uptake. The mineral nutrients absorption by explants of banana plants, Tropical and Bucaneiro cultivars, under different culture media was represented by twenty treatments in a factorial scheme 10 (culture media) x 2 (cultivars). Treatments were: MS, half of the salt concentration of MS medium - ½ MS, Hoagland, half the salt concentration of Hoagland solution, Hoagland ½, culture media with omission of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, based on Hoagland medium. It was observed that Bucaneiro and Tropical cultivars explants had higher average in shoot height, leaf number, shoot fresh and dry weight, when it was used the MS medium. Hoagland medium did not show satisfactory results and some elements deficiency decreasing plant growth.
Appears in Collections:Agronomia/Fitotecnia - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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