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Title: Corporeidade e estética na aprendizagem organizacional: insights emergentes
Other Titles: Corporeality and aesthetics in the organizational learning: emerging insights
Corporeidad y estética en la aprendizaje organizacional: perspectivas emergentes
Keywords: Aprendizagem organizacional
Organizational learning
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Citation: BERTOLIN, R. V.; CAPPELLE, M. C. A.; BRITO, M. J. de. Corporeidade e estética na aprendizagem organizacional: insights emergentes. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, São Paulo, v. 15, n. 2, p. 15-37, mar./abr. 2014.
Abstract: This essay aims to reflect on the importance of embodiment and aesthetic knowledge in theoretical advancement of organizational learning. The theorizing of organizational learning has been directed towards overcoming the dichotomies traditionally rooted in the social sciences settled in traditional dualities as subject/ object, mind/body, individual/organization. The emergence of new studies point to the need to enhance the themes of the body and aesthetics to broaden the understanding of organizational learning. Thus, the objective is to discuss organizational learning from the perspective of the theory of aesthetics in which the embodiment is particularly relevant. One of the most important contributions of the aesthetic approach is to seek to overcome such dichotomies that make up organizational life and society. From the moment in which the constitution of knowledge bases are questioned and is not only logic, but also aesthetic sensitive and a number of other issues arise together. The aesthetic knowledge, fruit of corporeality in interaction, is constantly activated by feelings, desires, emotions, representations about the organization and its shows underlie the choices of actors in interaction. Aims to identify the emergence of new insights that may contribute to the theoretical advancement of organizational learning, thus expanding their understanding. Main insights conclusive evidence the potential of organizational learning and intercorporealty residing in corporeality, which, due to its complexity constitutive demand epistemologies and methodologies expanded organizational practices to clear understanding of organizational learning. It is believed that organizational learning should be seen as a process fluid which is diluted in time and space and practices individual and social bodies and subjectivity in which intertwine to give the specific contours at each point in the process, and both constitute and are constituted in such a process, and are meant to signify, reframe and are reinterpreted.
Appears in Collections:DAE - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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