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Título: Contributions of action research in management practices in the Brazilian Public Universities
Palavras-chave: Action research
High level technicians
Organizational practice
Public university
Técnicos de alto nível
Prática organizacional
Universidade pública
Data do documento: Abr-2015
Editor: Canadian Center of Science and Education
Citação: BAÊTA, O. V. et al. Contributions of action research in management practices in the Brazilian Public Universities. Public Administration Research, Ontario, v. 4, n. 1, p. 68-77, 2015.
Resumo: This paper presents theoretical discussion to the possible contributions of the methodology action research for the exercise of reflection and change process, aiming to identify and approach, management theories and practices in Brazilian public universities with the contribution and the intermediation proactive of High Level Technicians (HLT). The reality of the new government and the reflective potential of HLT with training in the field of applied social sciences, as federal civil servants, the possible use of the methodological approach of action research for management practices in universities. The gap between theory and organizational practices in universities lacks methods for such a dichotomy can be minimized. In this context the HLT can suggest as a new server that will gain increasing your space. Action research has applicability in the organizational routine troubleshooting through the experiences and activities of the HLT own in Brazilian university management. Among his skills, many technical includes the methodological proficiency essential to contribute, since, in the conduct of scientific basis, identifying and solving some practical problems in the daily activities of these universities. This proactivity can contribute significantly to better understanding of the theory and minimizing the distance with organizational practice.
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