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Title: Ensino à distância: estratégias de uma universidade federal
Keywords: Ensino à distância
Universidades federais
Education in the distance
Federal University
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)
Citation: PEREIRA, V. S.; ANTONIALLI, L. M. Ensino à distância: estratégias de uma universidade federal. Contextus - Revista Contemporânea de Economia e Gestão, Fortaleza, v. 9, n. 1, p. 33-48, jan./jun. 2011.
Abstract: This stdy it has as objective to analyze, in strategical terms, the education modality in the distance in the graduation course in the Lavras Federal University, UFLA. The present research is considered of qualitativa, of the descriptive type, deing the UFLA object of this study. The chosen method was the case study. The methodology to effect the collection of data was the survey in secondary sources and recorded individual interviews with application of questionnaire half-structuralized for five people. The analysis of the data if it bases in the interpretation boarding. Currentyly the strategical behavior if approaches more than analytical strategy, therefore the position of the uniiversity is of observing of the envirolment and cautious. In the measure that the university to perceive that the external envirolment is moving and it has agility to adapt itself to this change, it will use to advantage the chances better and it will suffer the consequences.
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