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Title: Modelos de negócios voltado para o mercado de ecoinovação: um estudo bibliométrico evolutivo de 1985 a 2016
Other Titles: Business models for eco-innovation: a bibliometric study from 1991 to 2016
Keywords: Ecoinovação
Modelos de negócios
Business models
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Faculdades Integradas Vianna Júnior
Citation: SILVA, J. P. N. et al. Modelos de negócios voltado para o mercado de ecoinovação: um estudo bibliométrico evolutivo de 1985 a 2016. Revista Vianna Sapiens, Juiz de Fora, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-22, jan./jun. 2019.
Abstract: The topic concerning eco-innovation, although quite new in the academic papers, has a growing presence amongst scholars. Due to this, the study of the business models for eco-innovation are scarce, which is why the source of this paper is base don the analysis of business model studies for eco-innovation, in order to understand the development of this phenomenon. For that, a bibliometric study wascarried out from 1985 to 2016 on the basis of Web of Science and Scopus, broade ningth e understandingof the subject. Another important finding in this research is the data that corroborate the understanding of the gap in academia and in the market, having a potential for further research, given a certain difference in the number of publications between the bases in relation to the business area, the difference amongle a dingauthors, journals and articles, as well as the growin gtrendof publication mongst European countries. This studyis important because it relates a possible disinterest of the academia on the subjectoreven a possible disinterest in the market, which would lead to important future research to determine the influence of such disinterestand its out come throughtheeco-innovation models.
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