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Title: Sistema Urubu: a ciência cidadã em prol da conservação da biodiversidade
Other Titles: Sistema Urubu: citizen science for the conservation of the biodiversity
Keywords: Atropelamento de fauna
Ecologia de estradas
Políticas públicas
Road kill
Road ecology
Public policy
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
Citation: CASTRO, É. P.; BAGER, A. Sistema Urubu: a ciência cidadã em prol da conservação da biodiversidade. Revista Brasileira de Tecnologias Sociais, Itajaí, v. 6, n. 2, 2019.
Abstract: Road kills are one of the most studied impacts in Road Ecology in the world. Currently, several projects and platforms for citizen science have been developed to quantify this impact, such as the Urubu System, the largest network for Brazilian biodiversity conservation. This is a citizen science platform for the collection and management of wildlife trampling data, created in 2014 by the Brazilian Center for Studies in Road Ecology (Centro Brasileiro de Estudos em Ecologia de Estradas - CBEE). The main tool of the System is an app that is free and available for Android and IOs, that has more than 23 thousand users and more than 24 thousand records. Its great advantage over other projects and platforms is the reliability of its data, as it has a rigorous process of record validation, performed by specialists in the different classes of fauna. It is also a platform that generated scientific publications, as well as contributing to the structuring of the National Strategy for the Mitigation of Impacts of Road Infrastructure in Biodiversity (Estratégia Nacional para Mitigação de Impactos da Infraestrutura Viária na Biodiversidade - BioInfra Brazil) and to the creation of Bill 466/15, already approved in the Chamber of Deputies.
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