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Title: A lei 10.639/03 no ensino de ciências: uma proposta decolonial para o currículo de Química
Other Titles: Law 10.639/03 in science teaching: a decolonial proposal for the Chemistry curriculum
Keywords: Lei 10.630/03
Ensino de Química
Teaching Chemistry
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (UFOPA)
Citation: CARVALHO, I. V. de; MONTEIRO, B. A. P.; COSTA, F. A. G. da. A lei 10.639/03 no ensino de ciências: uma proposta decolonial para o currículo de Química. Revista Exitus, Santarém, v. 9, n. 5, p. 47-76, 2019.
Abstract: Law 10.639/03 completes 16 years of existence, and it is with this, 16 years of obligatoriness of teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture in all schools in Brazil. Based on this, this is the framework work from the decolonial provocation to the Chemistry curriculum to study on the unfolding of coloniality in the educational context. For this, cosiderations are made about the implementation of the cited law in the textbooks, the teachers main didactic tools, through a qualitative analysis of the approach of the question by these books. Given the results of this analysis, it seeks to understand the relationship between books, curriculum and coloniality. When we come across books based in a predominantly Eurocentric curriculum, we performed as final provision a contextualized curriculum proposal that considers the traditional cultures, particularly the Afro-Brazilian one. Thus, we hope that through the development of an Afrocentric curriculum the effective implementation of Law 10.639/03 and the combat to perverse effects of racism in Brazilian society will be possible.
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