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metadata.artigo.dc.title: As a potential treatment of COVID-19: Montelukast
metadata.artigo.dc.creator: Fidan, Cihan
Aydoğdu, Ayşe
metadata.artigo.dc.publisher: Elsevier Sep-2020
metadata.artigo.dc.identifier.citation: FIDAN, C.; AYDOĞDU, A. As a potential treatment of COVID-19: Montelukast. Medical Hypotheses, [S.l.], v. 142, Sept. 2020.
metadata.artigo.dc.description.abstract: It has been hypothesized that Montelukast, a cysteinyl leukotriene (cysLT) receptor antagonist, with effects of anti-inflammatory, suppress oxidative stress and reduce affect cytokine production, may limited progression of the disease on COVID-19 infection.
metadata.artigo.dc.language: en_US
Appears in Collections:FCS - Artigos sobre Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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