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Title: "Quem não registra não é dono": o sistema cartorial como representação do patrimonialismo no Brasil
Other Titles: "Who does not register is not the owner": e cartorial system as a representation of patrimonialism in Brazil
"Quien no registra no es dueño": El sistema notarial como representación del patrimonialismo en Brasil
Keywords: Democracia
Sistema cartorial brasileiro
Brazilian cartorial system
Issue Date: Nov-2019
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Citation: SILVA, K. A. T.; ARANTES, I. C. da S.; PEREIRA, J. R. "Quem não registra não é dono": o sistema cartorial como representação do patrimonialismo no Brasil. Revista de Administração Pública e Gestão Social, Viçosa, MG, v. 12, n. 1, jan./mar. 2020. Não paginado.
Abstract: Democracy is a recent phenomenon in Brazil. Aer a long period of dictatorship, the country has consolidated itself as a democratic State and has been characterized by the remarkable capacity of mobilization of several sector of the civil society, which claimed their right to political participation. Despite the achievements towards democracy, there are still social practices that delegitimize this political regime and corrode its quality that still can be noticed, as in the case of some institutions, which in addition to their lack of transparency do not represent social and economic diversity and are not always guided by principles that promote justice and access to social goods such as public health and education. In this sense, notarial offices violate some democratic principles by incorporating patrimonial characteristics in its dynamics of operation. erefore, this study aims to discuss the materialization of patrimonialist practices in the Brazilian cartorial system, in a contemporary context marked by the democratic regime. In order to do so, it is discussed the democracy and patrimonialism in Brazil and in order to demonstrate how the patrimonial characteristics are present in the cartorial practices. In the end, it is evident that the personalist relations and the administrative centralization, originating from the patrimonialism are present in the notarial offices, what makes the consolidation of the democracy in its totality difficult.
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