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Título: Capacidades estatais na gestão do Cadastro Único para programas sociais do Governo Federal: um estudo de caso em um município de Minas Gerais
Título(s) alternativo(s): State capacities in the management of the single registration for social programs of the Federal Government: a case study in a municipality of Minas Gerais
Autores: Ferreira, Patrícia Aparecida
Rezende, Vânia Aparecida
Furtado, Renata Pedretti Morais
Amâncio, Julia Moretto
Palavras-chave: Capacidades estatais
Assistência social
Cadastro único para programas sociais
Políticas sociais
State capacities
Social assistance
Single registry for social programs
Social policies
Data do documento: 22-Out-2020
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: MOREIRA, L. C. Capacidades estatais na gestão do Cadastro Único para programas sociais do Governo Federal: um estudo de caso em um município de Minas Gerais. 2020. 164 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Pública) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2020.
Resumo: This study has as main focus understand the state capacities in the management of the Single Registry for Social Programs (Cadastro Unico) of the Federal Government. The state capacities are defined as the capacity of a State to achieve its objectives, including in multiple ways (SKOCPOL, 1985). For that, the State must be able to establish institutional arrangements, endowed with financial resources to fund an administrative apparatus capable of carrying out state action efficiently. In general, state capacities are understood as institutional arrangements that provide States with essential competencies to achieve their objectives. The Federal Constitution of 1988 was created as an administrative reform which entrusted the cities to implement the new social policies also foreseen in the new constitution. The Cadastro Único is the main instrument for access by the vulnerable population to social policies managed by the federal government, where Brazilian cities became the responsible for management, locating and registering families that fit into any social policy that the uses as a gateway. To do it efficiently, an entire apparatus must be built around its management. This apparatus is called local capacities and is defined as technical-administrative and political (PIRES; GOMIDE, 2016). In this context, the study has focus in understand the management of the Cadastro Único for social programs of the Federal Government, in the municipality of Campo Belo MG, from the technical-administrative and political dimensions of state capacities. To achieve the objectives, a case study was built, through a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The collected information was analyzed using the content analysis method. Regarding the technical and administrative capacities, it was observed that the management under study works in its own buildings, with a continuous, trained and cohesive team. It was observed that the technological apparatus is enough, however due to some peculiarities presented they need some adjustments. The city has a study that has presented a satisfactory Index of Decentralized Management - IGD, which assumes a good attendance to the evaluations of the federal government under the management, since the IGD has as one of its premises, the objective of measuring it. Analyzing political capacity, it became clear from this study, the importance of funding from the Unified Social Assistance System and the IGD so that Cadastro Unico management works efficiently and achieves its objective. Within the political capacities, it was noticed that the city council of social assistance fulfills its role within the management; however, some adjustments regarding the more effective participation of all members requires special attention. It is believed that its results point out some aspects that can be considered as references, for studies that want to evaluate the city management of Cadastro Unico. The theory of state capacities has shown itself to be a relevant approach in this type of evaluation and the types of capacities defined by Pires and Gomide (2016) were very elucidative for conducting this research. The results found propose a reflection on the interrelationship between these two types of capacities presented by these authors, showing that there is the formation of a fine border line.
Aparece nas coleções:Administração Pública - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertação/TCC)

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