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Título: Contribution and perspectives of quantitative genetics to plant breeding in Brazil
Título(s) alternativo(s): Contribuição e perspectivas da genética quantitativa no melhoramento genético de plantas no Brasil
Palavras-chave: Genetic parameters
Genotype by environment interaction
Hybrid cultivars
Stability and adaptability
Parâmetros genéticos
Interação genótipos por ambientes
Cultivares híbridas
Estabilidade e adaptabilidade
Data do documento: Dez-2012
Editor: Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Citação: VENCOVSKY, R.; RAMALHO, M. A. P.; TOLEDO, F. H. R. B. Contribution and perspectives of quantitative genetics to plant breeding in Brazil. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, Viçosa, MG, v. 12, p. 07-14, Dec. 2012. Número especial. DOI:
Resumo: The purpose of this article is to show how quantitative genetics has contributed to the huge genetic progress obtained in plant breeding in Brazil in the last forty years. The information obtained through quantitative genetics has given Brazilian breeders the possibility of responding to innumerable questions in their work in a much more informative way, such as the use or not of hybrid cultivars, which segregating population to use, which breeding method to employ, alternatives for improving the efficiency of selection programs, and how to handle the data of progeny and/or cultivars evaluations to identify the most stable ones and thus improve recommendations.
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