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Title: A Constituição como projeto aberto: Legitimidade, hermenêutica e jurisdição constitucionais
Keywords: Teoria da Constituição
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2009
Publisher: Centro Acadêmico Afonso Pena - Faculdade de Direito da UFMG
Citation: GOMES, D. F. L. A Constituição como projeto aberto: legitimidade, hermenêutica e jurisdição constitucionais. Revista do CAAP, Belo Horizonte, p. 33-60, jul./dez. 2009.
Abstract: This paper's aim is to present the idea of the Constitution of 1988 as an open project. First, it approaches the problem of the legitimacy of this Constitution. Next, it focuses on the constitutional hermeneutics. Finally, it discusses, in some general lines, the judicial review. In both cases - constitutional hermeneutics and judicial review -, the line of discussion is traced back towards the idea of the constituent project. Keywords: Constitutional legitimacy; constitutional hermeneutics; judicial review; constituent project.
Appears in Collections:DIR - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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