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Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
2020Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19 with or without diabetes: a systematic search and a narrative review with a special reference to India and other developing countriesSingh, Awadhesh Kumar; Singh, Akriti; Shaikh, Altamash; Singh, Ritu; Misra, Anoop
2020Clinical considerations for patients with diabetes in times of COVID-19 epidemicGupta, Ritesh; Ghosh, Amerta; Singh, Awadhesh Kumar; Misra, Anoop
2020Admission hyperglycemia and radiological findings of SARS-CoV2 in patients with and without diabetesIacobellis, Gianluca; Penaherrera, Carlos A.; Bermudez, Luis E.; Bernal Mizrachi, Ernesto
Jul-2020A data-driven hypothesis on the epigenetic dysregulation of host metabolism by SARS coronaviral infection: potential implications for the SARS-CoV-2 modus operandiVavougios, George D
2020Telemedicine for diabetes care in India during COVID19 pandemic and national lockdown period: guidelines for physiciansGhosh, Amerta; Gupta, Ritesh; Misra, Anoop
Ago-2020Estimation of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone-System (RAAS)-Inhibitor effect on COVID-19 outcome: a meta-analysisPirola, Carlos J.; Sookoian, Silvia
2012Inhibition of α-glucosidase and hypoglycemic effect of stilbenes from the Amazonian plant Deguelia rufescens var. urucu (Ducke) A. M. G. Azevedo (Leguminosae)Pereira, Aline Carvalho; Arruda, Mara Silvia Pinheiro; Silva, E.A.S.; Silva, Milton Nascimento da; Lemos, Virgínia Soares; Côrtes, Steyner de França
1-Jun-2019Hypothalamic expression of the atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2 is involved in the systemic regulation of glucose toleranceFioravante, Milena; Bombassaro, Bruna; Ramalho, Albina F.; Moura, Rodrigo F. de; Haddad-Tovolli, Roberta; Solon, Carina; Dragano, Nathalia R.; Vettorazzi, Jean F.; Gaspar, Rodrigo S.; Ropelle, Eduardo R.; Carneiro, Everardo M.; Morari, Joseane; Velloso, Licio A.
Out-2010Causes and cures for endoplasmic reticulum stress in lipotoxic β‐cell dysfunctionCnop, M.; Ladrière, L.; Igoillo‐Esteve, M.; Moura, R. F.; Cunha, D. A.
Dez-2009Effects of physical training on serum and pituitary growth hormone contents in diabetic ratsLeme, José Alexandre Curiacos de Almeida; Araújo, Michel Barbosa de; Moura, Leandro Pereira de; Gomes, Ricardo José; Moura, Rodrigo Ferreira de; Rogatto, Gustavo Puggina; Mello, Maria Alice Rostom de; Luciano, Eliete