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Título: Diagnóstico dos resíduos sólidos urbanos gerados no Distrito turístico de Conceição do Ibitipoca
Título(s) alternativo(s): Diagnosis of urban solid waste generated in the Conceição do Ibitipoca Tourist District
Autores: Ribeiro, André Geraldo Cornélio
Franco, Camila Silva
Marques, Rosângela de Paula Vitor
Marques, Ricardo Tayarol
Palavras-chave: Coleta seletiva de lixo
Percepção ambiental
Resíduos sólidos
Garbage collection
Environmental perception
Solid waste
Composição gravimétrica
Gravimetric composition
Data do documento: 9-Jun-2021
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: MAGRI, P. C. Diagnóstico dos resíduos sólidos urbanos gerados no Distrito turístico de Conceição do Ibitipoca. 2021. 113 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologias e Inovações Ambientais) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Resumo: One of the major current problems faced by municipal managers is the exacerbated growth in solid waste generation. The concern regarding solid waste in tourist municipalities encompasses the need to create a sustainable environment that boosts tourist activities. Therefore, the present study aimed to diagnose the urban solid waste generated in the Conceição do Ibitipoca Hamlet, MG, to provide subsidies for proposing a Selective Collection Program. Interviews were conducted with the resident population and managers of inns and members of the city hall to seek the perception regarding the existing waste management. Eight gravimetric compositions were conducted in low and high tourist seasons to characterize the waste recycling potential. Residents perceive the importance of reducing local waste, especially considering it is an entrance to the Ibitipoca State Park and as a sign of environmental responsibility for companies since the opportunity for ecotourism drives the tourism sector. Additionally, waste generation in the hamlet fluctuates during the year, especially in times of high generation due to the long holidays at the end of the year and carnival. These seasons show an increase in aluminum generation due to the high season of the hotels, which lead to higher consumption of packaging and food, causing valuation of the collected materials. During the low season, there was a significant decrease due to the lower access of guests, and consequently, less food and packaging. In times of social isolation, the availability of recyclable materials reduced, also showing a decrease in the means of recycling potential. There was a reduction in material for recycling superior to 70% for cardboard, pet, glass, and scrap. The decrease in aluminum, which is highly present in packaging, was 85%. On the other hand, organic matter and tailings increased between the periods studied. The hamlet´s per capita generation averaged 0.66, considering before and during the pandemic. This figure was above the generation per capita in Lima Duarte, of 0.39 There is the possibility of implementing a selective collection program at the hamlet, especially in times of high tourism, allowing a better generation of income to the municipality and adding environmental awareness to the tourist attractiveness of the place.
Aparece nas coleções:Tecnologias e Inovações Ambientais - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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