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Title: Tecnologias sociais para autonomia produtiva: vermicompostagem e microrganismos eficientes no cultivo de orégano (Origanum vulgare L.)
Other Titles: Social technologies for production autonomy: vermicompostage and efficient non-cultivating microrganisms of orégano (Origanum vulgare L.)
Authors: Dória, Joyce
Resende, Luciane Vilela
Florentino, Ligiane Aparecida
Carvalho, Alexandre Alves de
Luz, José Magno Queiroz
Keywords: Bacillus subtilis
Plantas medicinais
Origanum vulgare L.
Métodos de inoculação
Óleos essenciais
Agricultura tradicional
Inoculation method
Medicinal plants
Essential oils
Traditional agriculture
Issue Date: 19-Jul-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: PEREIRA, M. M. A. Tecnologias sociais para autonomia produtiva: vermicompostagem e microrganismos eficientes no cultivo de orégano (Origanum vulgare L.). 2021. 188 p. Tese (Doutorado em Plantas Medicinais, Aromáticas e Condimentares) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Abstract: Vermicomposting applied to agricultural production is not abstract from the socio-historical process. On the contrary, it has a historical basis and foundation in traditional and popular knowledge that is not merely cultural and ideological, the praxis linked to the values of how to do and produce, is a scientific and technological basis to be valued and recognized. as a social and traditional tool for solving the various environmental problems generated by the current technological model of agribusiness in the production of food, goods and services. Taking advantage of social technologies such as vermicomposting and the use of efficient microorganisms in the management of agrifood residues to obtain organic fertilizers for the cultivation of medicinal plants, such as Origanum vulgare L., is to build and promote productive autonomy for family and traditional farmers. It also contributes to the management of solid waste, the environment and society. In this sense, the objective was to analyze and quantify the chemical characteristics, the content of macro and micronutrients, phytohormones, amino acids and microbial community of three formulations of vermicompost from food and agricultural residues, with and without inoculation of efficient microorganisms, rhizobacteria, growth promoters (Bacillus subitilis) and commercial inoculant. In addition to evaluating the influence of vermicomposting on agronomic characteristics, essential oil content and yield, phytochemical profile and antimicrobial activity of Origanum vulgare L., in two crops, compared to conventional cultivation. In addition, for the three formulations of vermicompost, analyzes were performed for chemical, phytohormonal, amino acid and microorganism characterization and quantification. Therefore, it is concluded that the three formulations of vermicompost can be registered as class A organic compound fertilizers according to Brazilian legislation, in addition to having high microbial activity and phytohormones contents that promote plant growth, suppression of pathogens, act on nutrient cycling, soil restoration and restructuring, as well as, is reaffirmed as a social technology of great importance and quality in solid waste management and for the productive autonomy of family and traditional farmers. As for its application in the cultivation of Oregano, vermicompost is a potential inoculating vehicle for Bacillus subtilis, and the method of inoculation of microorganisms presents differences in the responsiveness of the culture. The application of Bacillus and efficient microorganisms influenced the production of biomass and essential oil of Oregano. As for the Bacillus subtilis inoculation method, when the rhizobacteria is immobilized in alginate capsules, it acts more effectively, promoting greater production of essential oil (EO) of oregano, as well as cutting time, it is a relevant factor for the production of this species. And that the EO obtained in the cultivation with application of organic fertilizers presented moderate and strong antimicrobial activity, while the EO obtained in the conventional cultivation, with NPK, did not present antimicrobial activity. Finally, the vermicompost with inoculation of efficient microorganisms from the native forest or with inoculation of encapsulated Bacillus can be applied to replace the synthetic chemical fertilizer NPK in the production of O. vulgare without compromising any of the parameters evaluated for the culture.
Appears in Collections:Plantas Medicinais, Aromáticas e Condimentares - Doutorado (Teses)

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