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Title: Fenômenos cosmológicos por meio da gravitação f (Q)
Other Titles: Cosmological phenomena through gravitation f (Q)
Authors: Bufalo, Rodrigo Santos
Dallabona, Gilson
Cardoso, Tatiana Ramos
Cuzinatto, Rodrigo Rocha
Keywords: Tensor de não-metricidade
Geometria de Weyl
Gravidade modificada
Non-metricity tensor
Weyl geometry
Modified gravity
Big bounce
Issue Date: 12-Aug-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SILVA JUNIOR, J. T. S. Fenômenos cosmológicos por meio da gravitação f (Q). 2021. 104 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Física)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Abstract: The General Relativity (RG) theory describes the gravitational interaction quite satisfactorily even at cosmological levels, with impressive agreement with experimental observations. However, it presents some problems in the description of some gravitational phenomena, mainly with regard to the formation of structures in our universe, the presence of singularities, description and interpretation of some constituents, among others. In order to remedy these difficulties, alternative theories have been proposed in recent decades, in general minimal modifications to Einstein's theory. In particular, the description of gravitational phenomena from alternative geometries to Riemannian geometry has received great attention. Instead of formalism being constructed in terms of Riemannian geometry and curvature tensor, it is possible to develop models analogous to general relativity in terms of Weitzenböck geometry and torsion tensor, known as teleparallel theory, or in terms of Weyl geometry and the non-metricity tensor, whose model is known as symmetric teleparallel theory. These two models can be formulated based on a gauge theory, whose symmetry group is the translation group, which guarantees a big difference in the formal development of these models in different contexts. After a great interest in the analysis of models involving the T torsion, recently the alternative and analogous theory in terms of the non-metricity tensor Q has been considered in some analyzes due to the possibility of more general couplings than those of the torsion tensor. In this way, we took advantage of the possibility of exploring new gravitational phenomena in the context of the symmetrical teleparallel theory in this work. Therefore, in this work we review the main points involving the description of the universe in relation to some cosmological phenomena, and the application of the model in the description of the phenomenon of “Big Bounce”.
Appears in Collections:Física - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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