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Título: O tom de como eu aprendo e de como eu ensino: uma reflexão bakhtiniana sobre ações entre sujeitos
Título(s) alternativo(s): Expressive intonation of how I learn and of how I teach: a bakhtinian reflexion about an action among people
Palavras-chave: Tom valorativo
Línguas - Ensino-aprendizagem
Círculo de Bakhtin
Expressive intonation
Languages - Learning-teaching
Bakhtin circle
Data do documento: 2020
Editor: Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - Unioeste
Citação: FERREIRA, H. M.; VILLARTA-NEDER, M. A. O tom de como eu aprendo e de como eu ensino: uma reflexão bakhtiniana sobre ações entre sujeitos. Línguas & Letras, Cascavel, v. 21, n. 50, p. 24-43, 2020. DOI: 10.5935/1981-4755.20200012.
Resumo: The Bakhtinian theoretical-epistemological-axiological field can make significant contributions to the teaching-learning process of language, a focus of dear interest to the area of Applied Linguistics. Thus, considering discursive genres is, first of all, taking them as concrete utterances, which only take place in the chain of replications made by concrete subjects, in concrete and unique events. It is understood, then, that the words are also actions, understandings, silences. Such optics allow us to analyze texts (in any semiotic configuration) present in the classroom as actions between subjects, with their evaluative tone. It is pertinent to take as a premise of working with language that texts, situations and the subjects themselves are only constituted in this intertwining of sayings / actions / understandings that delimit identities, projects of meaning and paths of constitution, looking at subjects who dialogue, for what they say, doing, understanding and placing themselves in a place and a time in the world. From this perspective, this article aims to discuss conceptions of teaching and learning in a formative path of working with the language in Portuguese Language classes in Basic Education. In this context, we seek (a) to present important elements for an effectively enunciative and dialogical analysis of verbivocovisual texts and (b) to outline a work proposal in terms of teaching / learning of language(s). To this purpose, an analysis of a video animation is presented, in order to demonstrate that the forwarding of reading practices evokes an active responsive understanding. The results of this study reside in the constitution of a space for reflection on the teaching and learning process, as a subsidy for an interactional action.
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