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Title: A historicidade e a competência discursiva: as contradições no discurso da violência
Other Titles: Historicity and discourse competence: the contradictions in the violence discourse
Authors: Cano, Márcio Rogério de Oliveira
Silva, Luciana Soares
Nascimento, Jarbas Vargas
Keywords: Análise do discurso
Maingueneau, Dominique
Discurso da violência
Competência discursiva
Speech analysis
Discourse of violence
Discursive competence
Issue Date: 14-Oct-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SILVA, L. G. E. da. A historicidade e a competência discursiva: as contradições no discurso da violência. 2021. 107 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Abstract: The present work is part of Discourse Analysis, in an enunciative perspective and is mainly anchored in the discussions proposed by Dominique Maingueneau (2008; 2010; 2015), being the result of research done in the studies of the Research Group “ Leitura e Produção de Discursos” (GPLPD-UFLA). In the face of a society permeated by violent situations, both in terms of acts and more subtle forms, such as verbal attacks motivated by discrimination, ways of combating and mitigating this same violence are built. Therefore, the constitution of the discourse of violence goes through a contradictory path, because at the same time that the subjects strive to oppose violence, they are, in various aspects, producers of it. This work is based on the assertion that every discourse has a discursive competence, as it was proposed by Maingueneau (2008), and that within it there is a set of semes that make it possible and that also designate its opposites. Thus, we aim to analyze how the discourse of violence presents itself in a contradictory way. Furthermore, the way the discourse is structured is based on its historicity, the social and psychological molds that sustain it over time. In this sense, we base this work on studies of the socio-historical conditions of discourse production (CP), considering the works of Orlandi (2015) and Courtine (2014). In addition, it is necessary to present a discussion on how the subject is constituted and produces his speech determined by the discursive competence and by the socio-historical conditions of his production. In this sense, Orlandi (2015) will also serve as a basis for understanding how positions and meaning effects that emerge from the statements made by the discursive subject are constituted. In addition to the theorists previously mentioned, we based on Muchembled (2012), Michaud (1989), Odália (2012), Bourdieu (1989; 2020), among others, to address violence. The corpus constituted is part of the religious discursive field and comes from two posts on the social network Facebook. The first is from the Bishop and President of the CNBB, Dom Walmor Azevedo, and the second is from the NGO “Católicas pelo Direito de Decidir”. The chosen utterances deal with the rape case faced by a ten-year-old child and the resulting legal abortion. We adopted a qualitative analysis methodology so that it is possible to apply the theoretical framework to the chosen corpus. As a result, we recognize that the way in which the utterances are constructed can conceive a discourse of violence, which is guided by historicity marks that are perceptible through CP. This, alongside discursive competence, allows us to observe how it is possible for a saying to materialize in a contradictory way, both in an utterance given by a single subject and by different subjects that circulate within the same formation and discursive field.
Appears in Collections:Letras - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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