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Title: Arroz de terras altas biofortificado com zinco e submetido à parboilização: Qualidade tecnológica
Other Titles: Upland rice biofortified with zinc and parboiled: technological quality
Authors: Pereira, Joelma
Condé, Aurinelza Batista Teixeira
Botelho, Flávia Barbosa Silva
Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães
Keywords: Fome oculta
Arroz - Biofortificação agronômica
Hidden hunger
Rice - Agronomic biofortification
Issue Date: 8-Nov-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: FERNANDES, L. A. C. Arroz de terras altas biofortificado com zinco e submetido à parboilização: Qualidade tecnológica. 2021. 133 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência dos Alimentos) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Abstract: Hidden hunger or micronutrient deficiency, mainly, Vitamin A, Iron (Fe) and Zinc (Zn), affect more than two billion people in the world and is mostly caused by the ingestion of nutritionally insufficient diets. The rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the one of the most consumed cereals in the world, and its biofortification can help fight hidden hunger, contributing to improve people’s health and quality of life. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of Zn agronomic biofortification in three rice lines (CMG F6 LAM 20-2, CMG ERF 85-6 e CMG ERF 85-15) and one cultivar (BRS A501 CL) through the analysis of the Zn content in the husk, bran+germ and grain endosperm, as well as the influence of parboilization on the Zn distribution in the grain. The analysis of yield income, grain yield, classification, optimal cooking time, water absorption index, volume expansion coefficient, loss of soluble solids, ash content and color attributes were also used for parboiled rice and for unparboiled rice. The first study analyzed the cultivar BRS A501 CL (parboiled and unparboiled) previously submitted to the following treatments: control; 10 kg de Zn/ha (soil application); 1 kg de Zn/ha (leaf application); 5 kg de Zn/ha (leaf application); 5 kg de Zn/ha + 6,9 kg de N/ha (leaf application); 46 kg de N/ha e 1 kg de Zn/ha (leaf application) + 46 kg de N/ha) and it was observed that Zn leaf application was more effective than Zn soil application for the Zn content in the endosperm of the rice grain. Furthermore, it was verified that the parboiled samples had higher values of grain yield, color atrtributes (a, b and Chroma) and lower values of L*, optimal cooking time, volume expansion index, water absorption index and loss of solids soluble. For the second study, the cultivar BRS A501 CL (parboiled and unparboiled) and the lines CMG F6 LAM 20-2, CMG ERF 85-6 E CMG ERF 85-15 (parboiled and unparboiled) previously submitted to control, Zn soil application and Zn leaf application. In this second study was observed that parboilization promoted an increase in the yield income, grain yield, a b and Chroma and decreased values of L* and cooking tests.
Appears in Collections:Ciência dos Alimentos - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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