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Título: Análise do perfil empreendedor dos proprietários de hamburguerias de Barbacena (MG)
Título(s) alternativo(s): Analysis of the entrepreneurial profile of the hamburguerias owners of Barbacena (MG)
Palavras-chave: Empreendedorismo
Comportamentos do empreendedor
Tipos de empreendedores
Entrepreneur behaviors
Types of entrepreneurs
Data do documento: Out-2020
Editor: Centivens Institute of Innovative Research
Citação: TEODORO, L. C. et al. Análise do perfil empreendedor dos proprietários de hamburguerias de Barbacena (MG). Revista GEINTEC, Aracaju, v. 10, n. 4, p. 5651-5663, out./dez. 2020. DOI: 10.7198/geintec.v10i4.1486.
Resumo: This article presents results of a study aimed at analyzing the entrepreneurial profile of Barbacena hamburgerias owners, based on the dimensions developed by McClelland (1961) and refined by Kruger et al. (2018). Regarding the method, the study can be characterized as quantitative involving the application of questionnaires with 21 hamburgerias owners in the city of Barbacena (MG). The empirical results show that the majority of respondents are male, have a high level of education and have been in the market for over a year. Taking as a reference the dimensions of the McClelland model (1961), the entrepreneurial profile identified in most of the owners was that of Planning. The characteristic "goal setting" was the one that stood out the most among the investigated entrepreneurs, while "taking calculated risks" was the least seen in the surveyed sample. As for its contribution, the study contributes, in some way, to the increase in the range of national surveys on entrepreneur profiles, since, only more recently, studies on types of entrepreneurs in the country have been carried out.
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