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Title: Comportamento da frequência cardíaca e da sua variabilidade em praticantes de CROSSFIT®
Keywords: Treinamento físico
Frequência cardíaca
Pressão arterial
Physical training
Heart rate
Blood pressure
Citation: CARDOSO, J. P. P. et al. Comportamento da frequência cardíaca e da sua variabilidade em praticantes de CROSSFIT®. Revista Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano, Canoas, v. 9, n. 2, 2021.
Abstract: Objective: To analyze the behavior of blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and its variability (HRV) in CrossFit® practitioners. Material and Methods: The CrossFit® method was applied to 10 individuals of both sexes, three times a week, for twelve weeks. The outcome variables were anthropometric measures, aerobic capacity, BP, HR and HRV at rest and after twelve weeks of training. The aerobic capacity was measured from a progressive test in a cycle ergometer and the HRV through records in a Polar brand frequency meter. Statistical comparisons were made using the Student t test. Results: Only the variable lean mass (kg) showed a statistically signifi cant diff erence (p=0.058). The registry variables of the HRV (SD1 and SD2) did not present a signifi cant diff erence, however, they had a small increase. BP remained stable and unchanged before and after CrossFit® training on subjects’ body composition and HRV values suggests that this type of training plays an important role in maintaining the health of normal individuals, as well as in cardiac parasympathetic modulation.
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