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Title: Consumo de iPhone e identidade de classe: um estudo com indivíduos de baixa renda
Other Titles: IPhone consumption and class identity: a study with low-income individuals
Keywords: Classes sociais
Base da pirâmide
Comportamento do consumidor
Trickle down
Social classes
Bottom of the pyramid
Consumer behavior
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Citation: CAMPOS, A. C. et al. Consumo de iPhone e identidade de classe: um estudo com indivíduos de baixa renda. Marketing & Tourism Review, Belo Horizonte, v. 6, n. 2, ago./set. 2021. DOI: 10.29149/mtr.v6i2.6558.
Abstract: The purchasing power of low-income people can be considered significant for the market when considering the volume of Brazilians who occupy a bottom of the pyramid. Furthermore, it is considered that these necessarily classify means of consuming products that they want, usually status markers of people of high standing. In this study, the product that exemplifies this consumption by low-income owners to increase their acceptance status in society is the iPhone. In this way, the objective is to understand the relationship between the iPhone brand and the upper class identity and how it is used as a means of insertion in groups by the owners of the bottom of the pyramid. For this, 24 were characterized with a semi-structured script, with the support of the projective technique of the third person. Data analysis was based on Bardin's content analysis. As a result of the survey, it is noticed that the qualified respondents believe that they are distinguishing the poorest people and going towards the world from those who have greater purchasing power since they are iPhone users like those belonging to people. In addition, the interviewees point out that the iPhone is a good that contributes to acceptance in groups, which is one of the best ways to minimize suffering with social issues. With this, several sacrifices are tolerated so that it is possible to own the Apple smartphone, such as selling or exchanging goods, withdrawing part of the money that would be reserved for food, housing and security, in addition to installments in many installments. Even with all the disclaimers, the benefits that the iPhone brings to the poor are something that is at the forefront.
Appears in Collections:DAE - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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