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Title: Educação física escolar, esporte e (Semi) formação: reflexões a partir da teoria crítica da sociedade
Authors: Rodrigues, Luciana Azevedo
Vaz, Alexandre Fernandez
Oliveira, Cláudio Márcio
Keywords: Indústria cultural
Formação de professor
Educação física escolar
Cultural industry
Teacher formation
School physical education
Issue Date: 29-Jan-2015
Citation: MAGALHÃES JÚNIOR, C. A. Educação física escolar, esporte e (Semi) formação: reflexões a partir da teoria crítica da sociedade. 2015. 85 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2014.
Abstract: This study is inserted in the discussion of the issues on the formative potential of sports. In this sense, the framing used for the paper seeks to problematize the manner in which sports have been thought over in the formation of Physical Education teachers. The study, characterized as a theoretical reflection supported by the theoretical reference of the School of Frankfurt is organized in three chapters. In the first chapter, we seek to reflect on the formation of contemporary society, referenced by the texts of the first School of Frankfurt generation of thinkers such as Adorno and Horkheimer, as well as the works of contemporary thinkers continuing this philosophical tradition: C. Türcke. Therefore, based on the reflections of these authors, we discuss the potentialities and impotentialities of formation in the contemporary capitalism, bearing in mind that, in this context, the Cultural Industry assumes a central role in the formation of subjectivities. In the second chapter, basing on a dialog with Gumbrecht (2007), we weave a reflection on the possibility of an aesthetic fruition of sports. In this sense, we argue that the maintenance and appropriation of the tension constituent of sports between expected/unexpected is essential. Finally, the third chapter is dedicated to a reflection on two works that fundament the formation of the Physical Education teacher, in the licentiate course of the Universidade Federal de Lavras, chosen from the discipline transcripts. The works in question: Educação Física na Escola: implicações para a prática pedagógica and Educação Física na adolescência: construindo o conhecimento na escola are examined reflecting on the measure the manner in which sports have been thought by Physical Education has allowed (or not) the subjects involved in its formative processes to oppose to the manner in which the Cultural Industry relays this cultural artifact. The reflections signal the need for rethinking the manner in which sports has been taken while formative element by Physical Education, as far as this cultural artifact has been relayed only as a means for something else, that is, we observe an orchestration of sports in detriment of a problematization of the critical appropriation of this phenomenon.
Description: Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Federal de Lavras, como parte das exigências do Programa de Pós - Graduação em Educação – Curso Mestrado Profissional, área de concentração em Formação de Professores, para a obtenção do título de Mestre.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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