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dc.creatorFaria, Júlio Cézar Tannure-
dc.creatorRibeiro-Kumara, Caius-
dc.creatorCosta, Rayssa Silva da Rocha-
dc.creatorNieri, Erick Martins-
dc.creatorCarvalho, Dulcinéia de-
dc.creatorPinto, José Eduardo Brasil Pereira-
dc.creatorSena Neto, Alfredo Rodrigues de-
dc.creatorBrondani, Gilvano Ebling-
dc.identifier.citationFARIA, J. C. T. et al. Use of biodegradable polyester-based microvessels for micropropagation of mature Eucalyptus microcorys. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, [S.I.], v. 52, n. 10, 2022. DOI:
dc.description.abstractBackground: Micropropagation, an in vitro vegetative propagation technique using small propagules is one of the main applications of plant tissue culture. It can be used to clone specific plants with desired traits and reduce the cost of plant propagation. In this study, we developed a protocol for micropropagation of Eucalyptus microcorys F.Muell using a selected mature tree, in which we tested various combinations of different culture media and evaluated the use of biodegradable polyester-based microvessels during the adventitious rooting and acclimatisation phases. Methods: Epicormic shoots were used as an explant source. After the in vitro explant establishment and multiplication, we tested 8 combinations of BAP, NAA and IBA in the elongation phase. Three types of microvessels were tested in the adventitious rooting phase and acclimatisation of the microcuttings. Results: Epicormic shoots had an establishment percentage of 40.6% and a total of 820 explants were generated by the 11th subculture, with an average of 12 buds per explant. Best shoot elongation results were achieved with BAP (0.05 mg L-1) + NAA (1 mg L-1) and BAP (0.05 mg L-1) + NAA (1 mg L-1) + IBA (1 mg L-1) combinations, whereas microvessel types M2 and M3 provided higher rooting and acclimatisation. According to the results of ISSR markers, at the end of 535 days of in vitro cultivation, cloning was successful between acclimatised micro-plantlets and the parent plant. Conclusions: The micropropagation protocol using microvessels was efficient in producing E. microcorys clonal micro-plantlets and is recommended for further studies with this species, and for testing in the micropropagation of other species.pt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceNew Zealand Journal of Forestry Sciencept_BR
dc.subjectIn vitro culturept_BR
dc.subjectPlant cloningpt_BR
dc.subjectPlant growth regulatorpt_BR
dc.subjectRooting containerpt_BR
dc.subjectVegetative propagationpt_BR
dc.subjectCultura in vitropt_BR
dc.subjectPlantas - Clonagempt_BR
dc.subjectReguladores de crescimento vegetalpt_BR
dc.subjectPropagação vegetativapt_BR
dc.titleUse of biodegradable polyester-based microvessels for micropropagation of mature Eucalyptus microcoryspt_BR
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