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Title: Compost barn: estudo do comportamento vacas leiteiras e uso da cama como adubo orgânico
Other Titles: Compost barn: study of the behavior of dairy cows and the use of bedding as organic fertilizer
Authors: Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva
Damasceno, Flávio Alves
Ferraz, Patrícia Ferreira Ponciano
Cecchin, Daiane
Castro Neto, Pedro
Castro, Rafael Peron
Keywords: Gado leiteiro - Confinamento
Compost barn
Comportamento animal
Adubação orgânica
Dairy cattle - Confinement
Animal behavior
Organic fertilization
Issue Date: 23-Sep-2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: LAURINDO, G. M. Compost barn: estudo do comportamento vacas leiteiras e uso da cama como adubo organico. 2022. 83 p. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Agrícola) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: Milk producers aim at increasing productivity and with better economic and environmental viability. For this, good management practices and new methods in confinement are being developed and improved, seeking greater comfort for the animals and better health conditions for the dairy herd, in order to reflect on the quality and increase of production. This thesis was divided into three chapters, the first consisting of a literature review on the topics that will be discussed in the second and third chapters. The second chapter deals with the evaluation of the positioning of dairy cows in confinement and the third addresses the use of the compost produced by the system. This work aims to generate knowledge about the behavior of dairy cows in compost barn type confinement and also to evaluate the use of organic compost produced by this confinement system. The experiment was carried out during the year 2020, on a rural property in the municipality of Itaguara - MG, with girolando cows. The behaviors evaluated were lying and standing. The positioning of the cows was evaluated by means of footage from a fixed camera in front of the shed. Filming was carried out between March and November and visual analysis was carried out using Yolo v3 artificial intelligence software. The evaluation of the use of the compost was made by tests in pots with sunflower plants, with different doses of fertilization being 0, 5, 25 125g per pot. It was detected that dairy cattle showed a preference for lying down and efficiency was observed in the use of artificial intelligence to evaluate the images. Among the doses tested, the best was 125g, showing positive results in relation to plant growth and also in grain production. It can be seen then that the use of software in the evaluation of images to identify animal behavior is effective and the use of the compound generates positive results and possibly savings for the producer.
Appears in Collections:Engenharia Agrícola - Doutorado (Teses)

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