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Title: Métodos de enraizamento adventício de porta-enxertos para marmeleiros
Other Titles: Adventitious rooting methods of rootstock for quince tree
Authors: Pio, Rafael
Curi, Paula Nogueira
Pio, Rafael
Curi, Paula Nogueira
Silva, Luiz Fernando de Oliveira da
Peche, Pedro Maranha
Keywords: Chaenomeles sinensis
Marmeleiro - Produção de mudas
Quince tree - Seedling production
Issue Date: 19-Oct-2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: RIBEIRO, C. H. M. Métodos de enraizamento adventício de porta-enxertos para marmeleiros. 2022. 64 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitotecnia) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: One of the main problems related to the production of seedling of the quince tree Cydonia Oblonga, is due to the low rhizogenic potential of the cuttings, using grafting technique with the rootstock Chaenomeles sinensis, but there is an interference in the productive capacity of the crown. There is quince tree used as rootstock for peer tree, which can be an alternative rootstock option for the production of quince seedlings, but they have a low rooting capacity. One alternative for avoid interference in the yield capacity when the rootstock Chaenomeles sinensis is used, is the production of seedlings by double grafts with different intergrafts, as well as induce the adventitious rooting of the intergrafts, after the grafting through the cutting of seedlings. Therefore, this study has the aim to evaluate techniques for enhance the adventitious rooting of quince tree ‘Adams’, ‘BA-29’, ‘EMA’, ‘Sydo’ (C. oblonga) and ‘Japonês’ (C. sinensis) as rootstock for Cydonia Oblong. Four experiments were carried out, the first being the removal of woody and semi-hardwoody of six quince tree and after 60 days of planting the cuttings, the percentage of rooted cuttings, with calluses, sprouts and the average number of roots per cutting were evaluated. The second experiment evaluate the mother plants of the six quince trees, in relation to their capacity to produce propagules for use as cuttings. In the third experiment, seedlings of the rootstock C. sinensis were produced, performed the double grafting, with the interstocks being six quince tree ‘Bereckzy’, being evaluated the percentage of sprouting of the grafts at 60 days and the length and diameter of shoots at 120 days after double grafting. The fourth experiment the transplanting the seedlings to pots, from the six combinations of the quince intergrafts, buried half the length of the intergraft (seedling franking), to stimulate adventitious rooting. After four months were evaluated the average length of the graft (cm), the rooting capacity of the intergraft, number of roots, dry mass of graft, intergraft and rootstock. The double graft is viable in the combination rootstock C. sinensis as graft, the quince tree ‘Bereckzy’ and the quince, of both species, as intergraft. The quince C. oblonga used as intergrafts have high capacity of rooting. The quince tree ‘BA-29’ and C. sinensis have low capacity of rooting both in their cuttings and when performing the function of interstock.
Appears in Collections:Agronomia/Fitotecnia - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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