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Título: The effects of prenatal diet on calf performance and perspectives for fetal programming studies: a meta-analytical investigation
Palavras-chave: Fetal programming
Maternal nutrition
Protein requirements
Systematic review
Data do documento: 21-Ago-2022
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Citação: BARCELOS, S. de S. et al. The effects of prenatal diet on calf performance and perspectives for fetal programming studies: a meta-analytical investigation. Animals, Basel, v. 12, n. 16, p. 1-21, Aug. 2022. DOI: 10.3390/ani12162145.
Resumo: This meta-analysis aimed to identify knowledge gaps in the scientific literature on future fetal-programming studies and to investigate the factors that determine the performance of beef cows and their offspring. A dataset composed of 35 publications was used. The prenatal diet, body weight (BW), average daily gain (ADG) during pregnancy, and calf sex were elicited as possible modulators of the beef cows and their offspring performance. Then, the correlations between these variables and the outcomes of interest were investigated. A mixed multiple linear regression procedure was used to evaluate the relationships between the responses and all the possible explanatory variables. A knowledge gap was observed in studies focused on zebu animals, with respect to the offspring sex and the consequences of prenatal nutrition in early pregnancy. The absence of studies considering the possible effects promoted by the interactions between the different stressors’ sources during pregnancy was also detected. A regression analysis showed that prenatal diets with higher levels of protein improved the ADG of pregnant beef cows and that heavier cows give birth to heavier calves. Variations in the BW at weaning were related to the BW at birth and calf sex. Therefore, this research reinforces the importance of monitoring the prenatal nutrition of beef cows.
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