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Title: Reflexos da instituição das cotas raciais e sociais nas licenciaturas de uma universidade pública brasileira
Other Titles: Reflections of the institution of racial and social qualifications in bachelor's degrees at a brazilian public university
Authors: Martins, Ronei Ximenes
Martins, Ronei Ximenes
Maciel, Regilson Borges
Santos, Adilson Pereira dos
Keywords: Quota law
Políticas afirmativas
Formação de professores
Ensino Superior - Acesso
Lei de Cotas
Affirmative policies
Teacher training
Higher education - Access
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: JACINTO, M. G. da S. M. Reflexos da instituição das cotas raciais e sociais nas licenciaturas de uma universidade pública brasileira. 2022. 119 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: The exploratory research aims to describe possible reflections of quotas for blacks and/or browns, with low family income, in undergraduate courses at a federal public university. Therefore, the following question was elaborated: In view of the affirmative policies for admission to higher education, especially quotas related to family and racial income, what developments are observed in the degrees from the possible expansion of black or brown students from low income? It is relevant to carry out this research, as it deals with social, cultural and political issues related to the search for equity in opportunities for academic training. Affirmative Policies can contribute to greater equity in universities. In order to reach the general objective, the following specific objectives were established: i) To analyze Pedagogical Projects of the Courses in the search for elements that consider the entry and permanence of quota holders; ii) Describe the perception of course coordinators on the application of the Quota Law for access to Higher Education; iii) Present the perspective of quota students on entering and remaining in undergraduate courses. The research approach was exploratory and descriptive, with a review of articles published in the last five years, document analysis and field research through interviews with 4 undergraduates and 2 course coordinators. This dissertation resulted in the identification of changes that took place at the university due to the expansion of access for black people through racial and social policies and it was observed the inexistence of policies of permanence in the racial but in the social, for socially vulnerable people.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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