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Título: Instrumentos metodológicos da gestão social
Título(s) alternativo(s): Social management methodological instruments
Autores: Pereira, José Roberto
Rezende, Vânia Aparecida
Allebrandt, Sérgio Luís
Valadão, José de Arimatéia Dias
Palavras-chave: Gestão social
Cidadania deliberativa
Metodologias participativas
Social management
Deliberative citizenship
Participatory methodologies
Data do documento: 21-Mar-2023
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: CARMO, G. do. Instrumentos metodológicos da gestão social. 2023. 188 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Resumo: Methodologies such as the Emancipating Participatory Rapid Diagnosis (DRPE), the Altadir Popular Planning Method (MAPP), and the Objective-Oriented Project Planning Method (ZOPP) are references that have a democratic and participatory nature, being relevant to the achievement of the proposed objectives. by Social Management, in its articulation between society, market, and State. However, some methods still need practical validation, through implementation in different contexts and social settings, and others still need to be associated with the potential for the field. Thus, due to the need for a more precise methodological outline for Social Management practices that prioritize participatory methodologies as an alternative, the following research problem was outlined: How can participatory methodological instruments contribute to the epistemological and paradigmatic consolidation of Social Management? The answer to this problem goes towards defining analysis criteria that allow the identification of participatory methods and techniques that theoretically strengthen the Social Management paradigm. This construction will be guided by the analysis criteria of Habermasian deliberative citizenship, the theoretical categories of Social Management, and the characteristics of the public spheres that emerge from the world of life and are capable of influencing the system, that is, State and market. Therefore, the general objective of this work is to identify and analyze the methodological instruments that contribute to the epistemological and paradigmatic construct of Social Management. The specific goals are: a) to identify participatory methods and techniques that present a potential contribution to the epistemological and paradigmatic consolidation of Social Management based on the criteria of deliberative citizenship (discussion process, pluralism, inclusion, participatory equality, autonomy, common good and social control) and other evaluation criteria derived from studies on social management in the Habermasian perspective; b) describe the possible contributions of the previously evaluated methods and techniques for the epistemological and paradigmatic consolidation of Social Management. In methodological terms, the present work consists of a theoretical and qualitative dissertation, with a descriptive character. A systematic review of articles, dissertations, and theses was carried out to search for participatory methods and techniques that approached the criteria predefined. The answer to the research question involved the integrative analysis of the participatory method and its techniques based on the criteria of deliberative citizenship and the theoretical categories of Social Management. It was found that it is necessary to recognize whether the method incorporates communicative action in its processes and whether its sequencing provides for the inclusion of the community in an educational process that continues beyond the moments promoted by the interdisciplinary team. Based on the methodological reference proposed by the integration between the DRPE and MAPP methods, it will be possible to analyze whether a participatory method or technique truly has a driving character of contribution to Social Management, even beyond the Habermasian perspective.
Aparece nas coleções:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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