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Title: Entre ler e contar histórias: percepções de professoras sobre as práticas pedagógicas literárias no ensino remoto
Other Titles: Between reading and telling stories: teacher's perceptions of literary pedagogical practices in remote education
Authors: Goulart, Ilsa do Carmo Vieira
Vieira, Mauriceia Silva de Paula
Morais, Elaine Maria da Cunha
Keywords: Contação de histórias
Leitura literária
Saberes docentes
Ensino remoto emergencial
Literary reading
Teaching knowledge
Emergency remote education
Distance learning
Issue Date: 10-Apr-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SILVA, M. R. Entre ler e contar histórias: percepções de professoras sobre as práticas pedagógicas literárias no ensino remoto. 2023. 123 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Abstract: This research discusses the knowledge and literary pedagogical practices in early childhood education based on a school project involving several reading and storytelling activities that seek to explore curricular content as a form to encourage literacy during remote education. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the perceptions that guided the pedagogical proposals with literary reading, storytelling, and dramatization of teachers in early childhood education during emergency remote education. This is a participant research developed through the researcher’s interaction with the member teachers, substantiated by the researcher becoming a teacher of one of the classes, which was a determining point for the investigative actions. The research was characterized by the qualitative approach, having as subjects four teachers who worked in early childhood education in a private school located in a municipality in Campo Das Vertentes during the pandemic period. We used two data collection instruments: monitoring and describing the activities developed through digital storytelling resources, which took place in the 2020 school year during emergency remote education, and holding a semi-structured press conference with the four teachers of the infantil V classes in the year 2021, to reflectively analyze perceptions about the pedagogical strategies used for remote classes involving children's literature. As a theoretical subsidy, it was supported by the studies of Martins (2012) and Cosson (2009) on reading and literary reading; de Bussato (2012), who introduces storytelling; de Koehler (2018) on dramatization; Tardif (2014), who addresses teaching knowledge and professional training; and some official documents such as the BNCC (2017), PCN de arte (1998), and the notebooks Leitura e Escrita na Educação Infantil (2016), which guide reading in a digital environment. The proposed reflection indicated that the pedagogical actions were marked by collaboration and the teaching effort to promote learning, even in different conditions, such as emergency remote education. The study showed that emergency remote education assumed two distinct situations: one when the pedagogical actions took place entirely remotely and another when they occurred remotely and on-site, concomitantly called hybrid remote education. The teachers' responses concerning emergency remote education pointed to perceptions regarding literary reading practices, knowledge, pedagogical strategies used in literary moments, literary and continuing education, and situations and challenges about storytelling in the digital environment. As an educational product, this work reported experiences from the activities of literary reading and storytelling developed during remote education, as provided by the Graduate Program in Education of the Universidade Federal de Lavras.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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