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Title: Experimentar literatura na educação: uma estratégia nômade de microrrevolução do desejo?
Keywords: Literatura
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: CARVALHO, A. F. de; GONÇALVES, D. da S. Experimentar literatura na educação: uma estratégia nômade de microrrevolução do desejo? ETD - Educação Temática Digital, [S.l.], v. 25, 2023.
Abstract: Political networks have been increasing the semiotization of capital in the state school system. In this context, new strategies to resist the advance of neoliberal rationalization are necessary. Based on a research carried out with male and female readers (ETHICS COMMITTEE 8369301019), given the opportunity to experience literature outside the circuit of the demand for curricular training in public schools, the objective of the article is to show the theoretical investment that conceived literature as experience as a monument of perceptions, affects and blocks of sensations. The investigative hypothesis holds that when generating experiments through the literary expression machine, the dominant semiotization escapes the control of the demands of the functional capitalistic training systems. In this case, the possibility of a nomadic insurrection in education based on literary experience is indicated, in turn, to enhance the political production of micro-revolution of desire. For that, the thoughts of Berardi, Deleuze and Guattari are gathered as a favorable condition for the analysis on screen. In the final terms, a theoretical disposition is expected to emerge from which education is an experience of breaking out of the unknown, namely, what is yet to be experienced.
Appears in Collections:DED - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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