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Title: Natureza da ciência, Galileu e o ensino da Revolução Copernicana
Other Titles: Nature of science, Galileo and the teaching of the Copernican Revolution
Authors: Henrique, Alexandre Bagdonas
Henrique, Alexandre Bagonas
Marineli, Fabio
Rozentalsky, Evandro Fortes
Keywords: História da ciência
Filosofia da ciência
Natureza da ciência
Ensino de astronomia
Ensino de física
Revolução Copernicana
History of science
Philosophy of science
Nature of science
Astronomy teaching
Physics teaching
Copernican Revolution
Issue Date: 15-Jun-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: MORAIS, G. H. G. C. Natureza da ciência, Galileu e o ensino da Revolução Copernicana. 2022. 89 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Ciências e Educação Matemática)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: Several research studies in science teaching have highlighted the relevance of the role played by HPS in science teaching and learning. Seeking to improve the understanding of scientific development and to propose discussions about astronomical concepts, this paper presents reflections about the "nature of science" (NoS). We studied the period of the Copernican revolution and the work of Galileo Galilei, selected and constructed texts with pedagogical potential for the construction of a didactic sequence for Physics and Astronomy classes for ninth grade of elementary school. In these activities, we discussed cultural, political and economic aspects of the time, and promoted debates about the geocentric and heliocentric models, alongside with discussions about the history of the Copernican revolution. Later on, we discussed texts that present the character of Galileo from two perspectives: on one side a hero persecuted by the church, and on the other side a scientist with tricks to sell his ideas. During the pedagogical intervention carried out in the Cooperativa de Ensino de Bambuí, we collected data through semi-structured questionnaires and online meetings recordings. With these data we sought to analyze and problematize students' perceptions about NoS. We categorized these answers under the light of philosophical conceptions such as naive relativism, empiricist-inductivist positioning, rationalism, and realism. We observed in the collected data signs of common-sense conceptions about scientific development, such as the belief in a rigid and infallible scientific method, interpreted as proof and ideally represented as an algorithm, the notion of scientists being geniuses isolated from society, and the perception of scientific theories developing through pure reason, or by deduction from principles that are known a priori. During the activities, we problematized these conceptions through debates, reading and discussion of the texts. Finally, we conclude that this pedagogical intervention works as a problematizer of these common-sense conceptions and aids in the understanding of history by providing a more adequate vision and understanding of the world around us. We also highlight that building a material such as this, although laborious, is fundamental for a broader and more contemporary teacher shaping.
Appears in Collections:Ensino de Ciências e Educação Matemática - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertação)

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