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Título: Anestesia em pequenos animais durante procedimentos cirúrgicos: revisão
Título(s) alternativo(s): Anesthesia in small animals during surgical procedures: review
Anestesia en animales pequeños durante procedimientos quirúrgicos: revisión
Palavras-chave: Analgesia
Animais de companhia
Recuperação anestésica
Anesthetic recovery
Recuperación anestésica
Data do documento: Out-2021
Editor: Pubvet - Publicações em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia
Citação: BARCELOS, L. de C. et al. Anestesia em pequenos animais durante procedimentos cirúrgicos: revisão. Pubvet, Maringá, v. 15, n. 10, p. 1-14, out. 2021. DOI: 10.31533/pubvet.v15n10a933.1-14.
Resumo: This review aims to provide information for the veterinarian to guarantee a safer anesthetic period for dogs and cats. For this part, the main points of the construction of an anesthetic protocol in surgical procedures for small animals, based on history and previous exams, as well as the preparation of equipment and accessories used for anesthesia and monitoring will be pointed out. Several aspects will be considered for success in anesthesia, such as: communication with the tutor in which the type of anesthetic procedure and the risk factors specific to the animal's tutor are presented; pre-anesthetic evaluation to evaluate the patient and his possible physiological changes; premedications and sedative and anxiolytic drugs used in the anesthetic period; preparation of anesthetic equipment ensuring that all selected are connected and connected to the source; anesthetic induction achieved effectively and efficiently by intravenous administration of fast-acting drugs; anesthetic maintenance by a combination of injectable and inhalant drugs or separately; and the patient's anesthetic recovery, when he continued to monitor the patient's physiological parameters until complete recovery. Therefore, considering the external aspects, the complexity of the anesthetic procedure and the need to include actions from the moment the animal is at home until anesthetic recovery is evident.
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