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Title: Elementos para a leitura do problema moral em Sartre
Other Titles: Elements for the reading of the moral problem in Sartre
Authors: Belo, Renato dos Santos
Takayama, Luiz Roberto
Vieira, Roney Wagner
Keywords: Ego
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980
Issue Date: 22-Sep-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SANTOS, F. da S. Elementos para a leitura do problema moral em Sartre. 2023. 52 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Abstract: The present dissertation aims at listing the conceptual elements for the interpretation of the moral problem in Sartre. The French philosopher in the course of his epistemological, phenomenological and ontological philosophical productions seems to indicate an ethical resonance. This is evident in the conference "Existentialism is a Humanism" (1945), from which we start for the first analysis. Sartre presents his ethical-existential position that human subjectivity is solely responsible for his being, that is, before action, man is nothing. The philosopher's refusal of divine laws, a priori good, and the morality of others is based on the absence of determinations and previous essences that define what human nature is. The human condition is freedom, which is the foundation of all values in situation. There is nothing external or internal that determines and substantializes subjectivity. In this vein, we investigate in "The Transcendence of the Ego" (1936), young Sartre's severe criticism of philosophical conceptions that introduce the presence of a transcendental or material ego in the immanence of consciousness, which is refuted by the phenomenological concept of intentional consciousness. This is characterized by the spontaneity of the movement always to the external world, the object, without any egological principle responsible for the synthesis and unification of the experiences. The purification of the transcendental field preserves the sovereignty of the consciousness, that is, its freedom as the foundation of morality. This leads us to the analysis of the mature work "Being and Nothingness" (1943), specifically chapter I "Immediate Structure of the Paras-self", in order to understand the reason for the mode of action of the Paras-self in bringing value to the world. According to Sartre, man, by being open to a nonbeing, to nothingness, perpetually transcends in search of a value identity, the self, in order to coincide with himself, to reach the totalizing plenitude of his being as the being-in-itself. The study proposes to show how the concepts of intentional consciousness, freedom, value, beingin- itself, being-for-itself, subjective, ego, and the nothing, provide sustainability for the interpretation of an existential ethics in Sartre.
Appears in Collections:Filosofia - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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