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Título: Modelos não lineares para descrição do acúmulo de macronutrientes fósforo e potássio no cultivar feijoeiro jalo
Título(s) alternativo(s): Nonlinear models for description of the accumulation of phosphorus and potassium macronutrients in the jalo bean cultivar
Autores: Morais, Augusto Ramalho de
Lima, Renato Ribeiro de
Muniz, Joel Augusto
Medeiros, Elias Silva de
Guimarães, Paulo Henrique Sales
Palavras-chave: Curva de crescimento
Transformação de postos alinhados
Aligned rank transformation
Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Growth curve
Data do documento: 8-Out-2023
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: GOUVEIA, N. Modelos não lineares para descrição do acúmulo de macronutrientes fósforo e potássio no cultivar feijoeiro jalo. 2021. 50 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estatística e Experimentação Agropecuária) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Resumo: Common beans have socioeconomic importance and are one of the most important sources of protein in the Brazilian diet. The modeling of bean growth patterns involves adjusting nonlinear regression models to estimate the causes that contribute to the development process. The objec- tive of this work was to analyze growth curves of dry matter accumulations of macronutrients potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) in five different sowing densities, for common bean culti- var Jalo, through the use of adjustment of the non-linear Logistic and Gompertz as a function of plant evaluation ages in the no-tillage system. The analyzed data were taken from Vieira (2006), from an experiment carried out at the Federal University of Lavras, during the water harvest period in the years 2006/2007 in the no-tillage system. A completely randomized block design was used, containing three replications ; the treatments were arranged in a 5x7 factorial scheme, containing five sowing densities (75, 145, 215, 285 and 355 thousand plants per hec- tare) and seven evaluation periods (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 days after emergency). The accumulation of phosphorus and potassium in common bean cv Jalo was analyzed. The use of transformation by aligned posts (ART) ensures the presence of normality, homogeneity and independence of errors. The non-linear Logistic and Gompertz models are suitable for descri- bing the accumulation of phosphorus and potassium in common bean cv Jalo, with the Logistic model showing better fit properties.
Aparece nas coleções:Estatística e Experimentação Agropecuária - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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