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dc.creatorCoutinho, Gabriela Silva Mendes-
dc.creatorRibeiro, Alline Emannuele Chaves-
dc.creatorPrado, Priscylla Martins Carrijo-
dc.creatorOliveira, Érica Resende-
dc.creatorCareli-Gondim, Ítalo-
dc.creatorOliveira, Aryane Ribeiro-
dc.creatorSoares Júnior, Manoel Soares-
dc.creatorCaliari, Márcio-
dc.creatorVilas Boas, Eduardo Valério de Barros-
dc.identifier.citationCOUTINHO, G. S. M. et al. New plant-based fermented beverage made of baru nut enriched with probiotics and green banana: composition, physicochemical and sensory properties. Journal of Food Science and Technology, [S.l.], v. 60, p. 2607-2618, 2023.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to evaluate the influence of potential functional ingredients—green banana starch, green banana pulp flour or whole green banana flour—on the composition, physicochemical and sensory properties of plant-based fermented beverages made of baru nuts. The incorporation of green banana-derived ingredients, especially the whole flour, increased protein (2.44–2.81 g/100 g), fibre (1.53–2.32 g/100 g), resistant starch (0.15–0.33 g/100 g) and ash (0.36–0.61 g/100 g) content in fermented beverages. The total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity were higher in beverages added with pulp or whole flour. The main polyphenols identified were catechin (0.75–4.97 mg/100 g), gallic acid (0.29–0.52 mg/100 g) and ferulic acid (0.17–0.64 mg/100 g). All beverages showed to be rich in unsaturated fatty acids (68%) as omega-3, omega-6, and conjugated linoleic acid. The incorporation of green banana in beverages enhanced the probiotic bacteria growth indicating the potential prebiotic effect of the unripe fruit. The sensory acceptance of fermented beverages was also improved after adding green banana. Overall, whole green banana flour stood out as the main factor that increased the nutritional value of baru nut fermented beverage. Green banana was used for the first time as a potential prebiotic ingredient in a plant-based beverage. This novel product represents a potential symbiotic non-dairy alternative that could offer health benefits to consumers.pt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Food Science and Technologypt_BR
dc.subjectMineral profilept_BR
dc.subjectResistant starchpt_BR
dc.subjectPhenolic compoundspt_BR
dc.subjectUnripe bananapt_BR
dc.subjectPlant-based beveragept_BR
dc.titleNew plant-based fermented beverage made of baru nut enriched with probiotics and green banana: composition, physicochemical and sensory propertiespt_BR
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