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Title: Ajuste de modelos não lineares para descrever a germinação de sementes de brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu
Other Titles: Adjustment of nonlinear models to describe seed germination of brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu
Keywords: Brachiaria brizantha
Modelo Gompertz
Regressão (Estatística)
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: MACHADO, L. E. de M. et al. Ajuste de modelos não lineares para descrever a germinação de sementes de brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. Revista Foco, [S.l.], v. 16, n. 6, 2023.
Abstract: The cumulative percentage of germination of Brachiaria brizantha seeds has a behavior characterized by a sigmoidal model, which is well adjusted through non-linear models. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the goodness of fit of the nonlinear models Logistic, Gompertz, von Bertalanffy and Brody in the description of germination of Brachiaria brizantha seeds using the methods of breaking dormancy (H2SO4 e KNO3) and temperature from 20-35ºC. The data used came from an experiment conducted in 2008. Based on the fit quality evaluators of the models, the Gompertz model proved to be the best to describe the germination process over time in both treatments, with the scarification with H2SO4and a temperature of 20-35ºC result in greater germination in a shorter time.
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