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Title: Desempenho de tijolo maciço de solo-cimento com incorporação de concentrado de vermiculita esfoliada para alvenaria ecológica
Other Titles: Performance of solid soil-cement brick with incorporation of exfoliate vermiculite concentrate for ecological masonry
Authors: Guimaraes Junior, Mario
Mendes, Rafael Farinassi
Vilela, Alan Pereira
Soares , Marcela Maira Nascimento de Souza
Keywords: Tijolos
Isolamento acústico e térmico
Acoustic and thermal insulation
Soil-cement solid brick
Issue Date: 12-Aug-2024
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: RESENDE, Gustavo Monteiro Costa Sbampato. Desempenho de tijolo maciço de solo-cimento com incorporação de concentrado de vermiculita esfoliada para alvenaria ecológica. 2024. 93p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Biomateriais) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Abstract: The economic development of a country is directly related to the construction sector. Among the most used materials, ceramic blocks stand out for their easy access and low cost, however, their production does not have a sustainable bias. In this scenario, the soil-cement solid brick (SCSB) presents itself as an ecological alternative, as well as the incorporation of secondary raw materials. In this context, the proposal of the work was to incorporate exfoliated Vermiculite concentrate (EV) in SCSB. For this, the natural Vermiculite concentrate (NV) was thermally treated at 800°C, for periods of 10 min (EV 800/10) and 15 min (EV 800/15). Both NV and EV were characterized regarding morphological, physical, chemical, microstructural and thermal properties. For the soil, physical, microstructural, chemical and morphological characterizations were performed. Finally, SCSB was characterized in terms of water absorption properties, compressive strength, and thermal and acoustic insulation, before and after accelerated aging. The soil met the limits established by the standard, not requiring corrections. NV was classified as superfine material with a content of 83.33 %. The most efficient thermal treatment was EV 800/15, with increases in specific surface area and pore volumes and radii, and therefore used in the production of SCSB. Three treatments were made, replacing the soil volume with EV 800/15; at 0, 2.5 and 5 %. The results for water absorption met the limits established by NBR 8491 (ABNT, 2012), however, compressive strengths were lower than the minimums established by the standard. The acoustic barrier significantly increased in T3 after aging, with a 19 % increase. In terms of thermal conductivity, there was a trend of reduction in values, according to the incorporation of EV, in the aged treatments. It is concluded that SCSB with EV incorporation cannot be used for this purpose, due to the mechanical results not meeting the standard, however, all other properties improved, indicating a potential application where the necessary compressive strength is less than 1 MPa.
Appears in Collections:Engenharia de Biomateriais – Mestrado (Dissertações)

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