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Título: Desenvolvimento e validação de metodologia para a determinação do neuro precursor L-dopa em folhas de café por HPLC-DAD
Título(s) alternativo(s): Development and validation of methodology for determination of neuro precursor L-dopa in coffee leaves by HPLC-DAD
Autores: Saczk, Adelir Aparecida
Abreu, Daiane Cássia Pereira
Chalfun Júnior, Antonio
Santiago, Wilder Douglas
Palavras-chave: Coffea arabica
Coffea eugenioides
Coffea canephora
Aminoácido fenólico
Análise traço
Phenolic amino acid
Trace analysis
Data do documento: 13-Ago-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: VIEIRA, G. V. Desenvolvimento e validação de metodologia para a determinação do neuro precursor L-dopa em folhas de café por HPLC-DAD. 2024. 55 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agroquímica) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: Coffee, in addition to being the world's largest commodity, also has extensive literature surrounding its beneficial effects on human health. However, the composition of the coffee plant in its entirety is still unknown. Therefore, the use of transcriptomic data applied to the inference and monitoring of metabolic pathways stands out for providing a solid basis for the discovery of important compounds in plant tissues. Thus, from in silico analysis of coffee leaves, the presence of L-dopa in these tissues was discovered. L-dopa is a phenolic amino acid of invaluable pharmacological importance, which acts mainly in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, in addition to being a natural secondary metabolite of plants. In this work, the best conditions for L-dopa degradation were studied using mature Coffea arabica leaves. The development of the extraction methodology was based on the univariate study of the influence of three parameters, including the proportion between the mass of dry plant material and volume of solvent extractor, concentration of the solvent extractor and extraction time. The analysis of samples and determination of chemical species was carried out using the liquid chromatography technique coupled to a diode array detector (HPLC-DAD). A developed methodology was validated and applied to determine L-dopa in young, mature and senescent leaves of three coffee species, Coffea arabica, Coffea eugenioides and Coffea canephora.
Descrição: Arquivo retido, a pedido da autora, até junho de 2025.
Aparece nas coleções:Agroquímica - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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