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Título: Narrativas de subversão e resistência: um olhar sobre as travestilidades à luz da análise de discurso materialista
Título(s) alternativo(s): Narratives of subversion and resistance: exploring travestilidades through the lens of materialist discourse analysis
Autores: Amorim, Márcia Fonseca de
Silva, Luciana Soares da
Santo, Diogo Oliveira do Espírito
Palavras-chave: Análise do discurso
Narrativas de si
Discourse analysis
Data do documento: 14-Ago-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: ASSIS, W. F. A. Narrativas de subversão e resistência: um olhar sobre as travestilidades à luz da análise de discurso materialista. 2024. 97 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: This work discusses the subject's view of himself. In this case, it is specifically the look of subjects who call themselves travestis, focusing on their social-discursive construction based on their look at themselves. In other words, we seek to understand how such subjects constitute themselves as beings in the world through materialist Discourse Analysis. The aim is also to bring elements of the social universe of travestis from the narratives produced by them, aiming to understand how cisgender and heterosexual ideology acts on their constitution and to consider the nominations and exclusion procedures narrated in their experiences. This research is justified by the representation of social subjects who have little representation in the academic field, whether as students or as producers of epistemologies. The motivation for the research is due to the researcher's concern as a member of the LGBTQIAPN+ community about the discourses that circulate in different social instances about travestis, many of them filled with hate and prejudice. To support the proposed reflections, studies by Pêcheux (1995, 2006, 2014), Orlandi (2002, 2007, 2012), and Zoppi Fontana (2018) on subject-discourse-ideology were used; the contributions of Althusser (1969) about ideology and ideological apparatuses; the concept of discursive formation and will to truth by Foucault (1996, 2008); Austin's (1990) writings about performative acts; studies by Butler (2021) regarding hate speech, and also the works of Butler (1988, 2003), Bento (2011), Jesus (2012), Louro (1997), Nascimento (2021), Scott (1995), Vergueiro (2012) and Wittig (2019) on gender and sexuality. This is qualitative research that involves interviews and is characterized, secondarily, as bibliographical research. To achieve this, interviews were carried out with people who call themselves travestis. Among the interviews, ten excerpts were cut, to analyze the speeches disseminated by the informants through the words they said. Through this study, it was possible to understand how travestis constitute themselves as subjects in society, through subjection to ideology and subversion and resistance to the rules imposed by the binary system.
Descrição: Arquivo retido, a pedido do autor, até junho de 2025.
Aparece nas coleções:Letras - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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