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Title: Das teletelas às midias sociais contemporâneas: proximidades e efeitos de sentido entre 1984 e o discurso da extrema-direita brasileira
Other Titles: From telescreens to contemporary social media: proximities and effects of meaning between 1984 and the brazilian extreme right discourse
Authors: Amorim, Márcia Fonseca de
Machado, Isadora Lima
Cano, Márcio Rogério de Oliveira
Keywords: Análise do discurso
Teoria crítica
Discurso autoritário
Discourse analysis
Critical theory
Authoritarian speech
Issue Date: 20-Aug-2024
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SILVA, A. B. da. Das teletelas às midias sociais contemporâneas: proximidades e efeitos de sentido entre 1984 e o discurso da extrema-direita brasileira. 2024. 128 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Abstract: In his prerogative to maintain freedom and fight the enemy, the authoritarian subject controls, deprives and eliminates, symbolically or physically, so that, in the end, order is maintained. Based on the discursive studies of materialist Discourse Analysis, we chose as a topic to be researched the constitution of authoritarian discourse and its effects on meaning. Our research problem is based on the hypothesis that, in a dystopian scenario, the government with authoritarian traits is constituted by symbolic and physical violence, explaining its desire for power. In the time frame from 2019 to 2022, we can see that authoritarian discourse began to circulate with greater presence in other discursive fields in which the symbolic exclusion of the other prevails through techniques combined with cultural war. Faced with this problem, the general objective of this research is to understand how authoritarian discourse is constructed in dystopian literature 1984 and in the discourse of the Brazilian extreme right. Our specific objectives are: to identify the discursive strategies in George Orwell's 1984, anchored in the cultural industry; detect, through the discursive process, how the subject constructs the image of himself and the image of the other in the discourse of the Brazilian extreme right, supported by the super-industry of the imaginary; compare the analyzes undertaken and the effects of this approach. To compose the theoretical framework, different fields, such as discourse, literature, communication and critical theory, are mobilized and articulated in order to build a path that contributes to understanding the issues raised. With this in mind, we start from the discursive studies of Pêcheux (1999; 2014a; 2014b), Orlandi (2007; 2011; 2015) and Foucault (1996; 2008); by Adorno and Horkheimer (1985) and Christoph Türcke (2010) in critical theory, Bucci (2019; 2021) in communication studies; Booker (1994) and Claeys (2017) with works on dystopia, to name some authors who contribute to the proposed discussions. The corpus of analysis is made up of discursive sequences referring to the Ministry of Truth, in the work 1984, and speeches given by the former president, Jair Bolsonaro. In summary, from the analyzes carried out, we can see that, whether in fiction or in contemporary times, authoritarian discourse is constituted by processes of control and interdiction and the use of propaganda as a strategy for maintaining instability, generating the depoliticization of the polis.
Description: Arquivo retido, a pedido da autora, até junho de 2025.
Appears in Collections:Letras - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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