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Title: Copaiba oil and vegetal tannin as functionalizing agents for açai nanofibril films: valorization of forest wastes from Amazonia
Authors: Alves Junior, Francisco Tarcisio
Keywords: Óleo de copaíba
Taninos vegetais
Nanofibrilas de celulose
Resíduos florestais
Filmes biofuncionalizados
Permeabilidade a vapor de água
Propriedades mecânicas
Copaiba oil
Vegetal tannins
Cellulose nanofibrils
Forest waste
Bio-functionalized films
Water vapor permeability
Mechanical properties
Issue Date: 3-May-2022
Publisher: Springer-Verlag GmbH, Springer Nature
Citation: SCATOLINO, Mário Vanoli; BUFALINO, Lina; DIAS, Matheus Cordazzo; MENDES, Lourival Marin; SILVA, Mateus Souza da; TONOLI, Gustavo Henrique Denzin; SOUZA, Tiago Marcolino de; ALVES JUNIOR, Francisco Tarcisio. Copaiba oil and vegetal tannin as functionalizing agents for açai nanofibril films: valorization of forest wastes from Amazonia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 29, p. 66422-66437, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-20520-7. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 set. 2024​.
Abstract: The applicability of cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) has received attention due to their attractive properties. This study proposes the functionalization of açai CNFs with copaiba oil and vegetal tannins to produce films with potential for packaging. Bio-based films were evaluated by vapor permeability, colorimetry, and mechanical strength. CNFs were produced by mechanical fibrillation, from suspensions of bleached açai fibers and commercial eucalipytus pulp. Moreover, copaiba oil and vegetal tannin were added to the CNFs to produce films/nanopapers by casting from both suspensions with concentrations of 1% (based on CNF dry mass). The bulk densities of the eucalyptus CNF films were higher (1.126–1.171 g cm−3) compared to the açai CNF ones. Films from eucalyptus and açai pulps containing copaiba oil and tannins presented higher Tonset and Tmax, respectively (312 and 370 °C). Films with açaí CNFs functionalized with copaiba oil and tannin showed the lowest permeability value (370 g day−1 m−2). Films produced with eucalyptus pulp, and eucalyptus pulp functionalized with copaiba oil highlighted by superior mechanical strength, achieving 133.8 and 121.4 MPa, respectively. The evaluation of colorimetry showed a greater tendency to yellowing for açai films, especially those functionalized with vegetal tannins. Besides the low cost, functionalized vegetal-based nanomaterials could have attractive properties, with potential for application as some kind of packaging, for transporting basic products, such as breads, flours, or products with low moisture content, enabling efficient utilization of forest wastes.
Description: As licenças de acesso aberto aplicáveis a este artigo estão em conformidade com as políticas do periódico em que foi publicado, disponíveis no link: Consulta realizada em 24 de set. de 2024.
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