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Título: Culturas juvenis afrodiaspóricas como inspiração à educação física decolonial no sul de Minas Gerais: em tempos de agir e ubuntar
Título(s) alternativo(s): Afro-diasporic youth cultures as inspiration for decolonial physical education in southern Minas Gerais: in times of action and ubuntar
Autores: Reis, Fábio Pinto Gonçalves dos
Vieira, Rubens Antônio Gurgel
Lopes, João Pedro Goes
Palavras-chave: Decolonialidade
Educação multicultural
Estudos étnicos
Educação física escolar
Culturas afrodiaspóricas
Ethnic studies
Multicultural education
Physical education teachers
Data do documento: 12-Dez-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: LOPES, Mayara do Nascimento. Culturas juvenis afrodiaspóricas como inspiração à educação física decolonial no sul de Minas Gerais: em tempos de agir e ubuntar. 2024. 184 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: This research animed to conduct na interpretation of the possible contribution of Black peripheral youth cultures in a municipality in the South of Minas Gerais, with a view to implementing a Physical Education program inspired by decolonial approaches in high school. The dynamics that compose the daily narratives of the school environment reflect characteristics and configurations of various social strata, which reproduce colonial strutures by employing hegemonic methodologies that perpetuate na elitist education. Therefore, engaging with Black youth and the spaces they occupy is essential so that we can listen to them and enable discussions that contribute to a more democratic and anti-racist Physical Education. In this way, it is crucial to promote the appreciation of Black self-esteem and aesthetics, influenced by the expressive and cultural resistance actions of Young people, against a racista epistemological model that relegates multiculturalities toe rasure. To this end, we rely on methodological bricolagem with decolonial inspiration, aiming to provoque reflections by mapping Black peripheral youth cultures with the goal of developing and elaborating na alternative proposal. The empirical material was produced based on narrative interviews, visual records, conversation circles, a field diary, collaborative research, and a field diary with a focus group from the second year of high school in the Physical Education classe selected by us. Through na analytical understanding of the empirical contribuitions, we intend to develop a proposition inspired by decolonial theories in Physical Education to articulate na emancipatory education for Black youth in a municipality in the South of Minas Gerais.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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