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Title: Selênio e iodo na melhoria da qualidade de abacate, azeitona e seus óleos produzidos em regiões subtropicais de altitude
Other Titles: Selenium and iode in improving the quality of avocado, olives and their oils produced in subtropical altitude regions
Authors: Pio, Rafael
Nunes, Cleiton Antônio
Silva, Luiz Fernando de Oliveira da
Peche, Pedro Maranha
Keywords: Abacateiro
Olive tree
Avocado tree
Issue Date: 13-Dec-2024
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: GERALDO, Mateus Joaquim Lopes. Selênio e iodo na melhoria da qualidade de abacate, azeitona e seus óleos produzidos em regiões subtropicais de altitude. 2024. 55 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Abstract: Two biofortification experiments were carried out with selenium and iodine in oilseed fruit trees (‘Hass’ avocado and ‘Arbosana’ olive tree) grown in subtropical regions of high altitude and mild winter. The experiments were carried out on two commercial avocado and olive farms. A randomized block experimental design was used, with four blocks and seven treatments, with one treatment as a control, three treatments based on selenium (Sodium selenate - inorganic source of selenium; Fusiun SE® - organic source of selenium; Nutriduo® - source inorganic selenium) and three treatments based on selenium and iodine (Sodium selenate + potassium iodate - inorganic source of iodine; Fisiun SE® + potassium iodate; Nutriduo® + potassium iodate). Two applications of the treatments were carried out, at an interval of 30 days. The fruits were harvested at the point of physiological maturity. The fruits were analyzed for their carpometric, biochemical characteristics and variables associated with the yield and composition of the extracted oil. Fruits from lowerings subjected to treatments did not have significant changes in their dimensions, however, there was a difference in the averages for mass loss. The treatments were responsible for changing the yield of avocado oil, its physical- chemical characteristics and its color. Olive fruits from olive trees subjected to treatments subject to carpometric changes. The treatments were responsible for changing the yield of olive oil, its quality and color. Thus, the elements selenium and iodine showed the potential to be used in oilseed fruit crops with the aim of producing better quality fruits and oils.
Appears in Collections:Agronomia/Fitotecnia - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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