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Título: Agile practices to accelerate the delivery of software: a quantitative study with software professionals
Palavras-chave: Agile methodologies
Software development
Customer satisfaction
Desenvolvimento de software
Satisfação do cliente
Data do documento: 2013
Citação: TONELLI, A. O. et al. Agile practices to accelerate the delivery of software: a quantitative study with software professionals In: HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES; HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES, 46., 2013. Wailea, HI, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2013. p. 4771-4779.
Resumo: This study aims to investigate the perceptions of software professionals in relation with impact of agile practices to accelerate the delivery of software products. Quantitative data obtained from a sample of 109 professionals were collected and analyzed by Pearson correlation and factor analysis. The results of factor analysis showed that the perception of professionals in relation to agile practices can be grouped into seven factors. From the correlation analysis, it was observed that customer satisfaction is the main variable influencing the perceptions of professionals regarding the use of agile practices to meet the deadlines on software projects.
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